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నేటి యువతపై తీవ్ర ప్రభావం చూపిస్తున్నది ఏది?

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Pathbreaking journalism and unwavering selfless
service to the society for the past 37 years.

37 years of authenticity and leadership
in the field of universal journalism.

Revolutionising authentic universal
journalism from the past 37 years.

Telugu was described by Englishmen as the Italian of
the east for its sweetness. Researchers say only in
Telugu can a single phrase be sung in 64 different ways.

In the chronology of languages, Telugu is a much older
language than many of the western languages of the
world, deriving a part of the roots from Sanskrit, owing
its geographical proximity to the northern India.



Clemson University

Clemson University was founded in 1889 as a public, co-education and research university. It has 1,1400-acre campus at

University Of Houston Downtown

The University of Houston-Downtown is a comprehensive four-year university offering bachelor's and master's degree programs aimed at career

Christian Brothers University

The Christian Brothers’ University is one of the ancient and best universities in the country. The university run

Florida State University

Florida State University was founded in 1851 as a public, co-educational research university. The university, headquartered in Tallahassee,

గ్రహం అనుగ్రహం

February 13, 2025

సూర్యోదయం: 05:56:12 సూర్యాస్తమయం: 18:48:28
చంద్రోదయం: 05:51:38తిథి: పాద్యమి 29:11:29+
నక్షత్రం: పుష్య 12:11:48యోగం: సిద్ధ 15:16:17
సూర్యరాశి: కర్క చంద్రరాశి: కర్క
రాహుకాలం: 13:58:52-15:35:24యమగండం: 05:56:12-07:32:44
దుర్ముహుర్తం: 15:22:32-16:14:01వర్జ్యం: 23:33:11-24:58:22
అమృతకాలం: 06:27:37-07:53:40


  • He (Mr. Blair) has asked that your letter be forwarded to the Department so that they may reply to you direct on his behalf. Mr. Blair has asked that your letter be passed to the Department for Education and Skills which has particular responsibility for the matter you raise so that they are also aware of your views.

    Tony Blair, Prime Minister London
  • As in the past, I am determined to face any challenge and overcome them in discharging my responsibilities towards my country and my people. In that journey forward, your views on public matters, your support and your blessings will be a constant source of strength and inspiration to me.

    Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa, President of Sri Lanka
  • I was pleased with the excellent professionalism of your entire team, and thank for your strong effort to make this project a success. I hope your film will positively affect many generations of students.

    David W. Hahn, Professor & Department Chairm , University Of Florida
  • Apparently you have travelled over 86,000 miles, visiting more than 60 universities across the United States. A project like this is huge, both in terms of cost and energy required to accomplish what you have to date.

    J. N. Reddy , Professor, Texas A&M University
  • For 60 more American universities for a total of 100 universities and colleges, which is expected to be a world record. In doing so, the students have potential access to a much richer resource than what is currently available on the web and social media.

    Beheruz N. Sethna, Ph.D., C.C.P.,President Emeritus, University Of West Georgia