Uniersity of Texas at Austin

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Spreading across 400 acres, the university has 16 different schools, 90 research centers, 2500 full-time teaching staff and 50,000 students. The students of the university can pursue 170 courses in 100 majors. The university offers courses that are useful to students of all cross-sections of society. Many freshmen pursue one undergraduate course or the other choosing their majors in one or the other 11 undergraduate colleges or schools. The introductory course introduces leadership, ethics, quantitative reasoning and ethnic diversity to students. Students admit that professor remain accessible to hundreds of students attending the introductory courses. In spite of their busy schedule, the professors are eager to meet students in their offices. First year students will have the opportunity to form their own community either through multiple honours programme or through their interest groups. Freshmen honours programmes include from business to engineering, from engineering to plan-II. The plan-II is one of the most famous and analytical honours programme in the country.

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